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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Practice test psychology for UPSC prelims

Practice test psychology for UPSC prelims
UPSC IAS prelims Psychology
ias psychology prelims paper
1. Predicative validity is a type of—
(A) Criteria related validity
(B) Content validity
(C) Construct validity
(D) None of these
Ans. (A)

2. In education psychology there is a study of—
(A) Utility of education
(B) Process of learning and teaching
(C) Utility of psychological rules
(D) Way to solve the problem psychologically
Ans. (B)

3. Difficulty level of an item mean ?—
(A) Percentage of successful students
(B) Percentage of unsuccessful students
(C) Percentage of that student that comes after division of successful out of unsuccessful students
(D) Number of these students who would not give answer whether yes or no
Ans. (A)

4. The standard fact for standard score is—
(A) There is a fixed mean
(B) Standard deviation and mean both are fixed
(C) There is a fixed quartile
(D) There is a fixed median
Ans. (B)

5. ‘Shanti and Ahinsa’ was an important trait in Mahatma Gandhi. His trait is categorised in—
(A) Cardinal trait
(B) Central trait
(C) Surface trait
(D) Dynamic trait
Ans. (A)

6. Following are the pairs or theoretical approaches to personality and the1iauthors or supporters. Which of these paring is not correct?
Approaches Author
(A) Dimensional approach —Costa, Mecare and Eysenek
(B) Trait approach —Ailport & Cattell
(C) Phenomenological approach —Maslow & Rogers
(D) Constitutional approach —Murphy & Morgan
Ans. (D)

7. Hereditary factors includes all of the following except—
(A) Physical health
(B) Body chemistry and the glandular success.
(C) Nervous system
(D) Mental abilities
Ans. (D)

8. Introversion, in contrast to extroversion, is highly correlated to—
(A) Intelligence
(B) Abstract thinking
(C) Sociability
(D) Creativity
Ans. (B)

9. “Past is past and there is no string with past”. Which psychologists theory of personality is related with this statement most?
(A) Freud
(B) Murray
(C) Skinner
(D) Allport
Ans. (D)

10. In emotional excitement adrenaline is released into the blood which causes—
(A) Increased activation of the individual
(B) Increased heart beat
(C) Increased respiration rate
(D) Slowing down of digestive process
(E) Increased blood sugar
(F) Increased alpha waves
(G) All of these
Ans. (G)

11. According to Kretschmer the temperament of asthenic type of personality is—
(A) Schizoid
(B) Cycloid
(C) Somatotonia
(D) Viscerotonia
Ans. (A)

12. According to Adler, personality development is generally influenced by reactions to—
(A) Inferiority feelings
(B) Sensory stimuli
(C) Superiority feelings
(D) All types of strong feelings
Ans. (A)

13. A light-hearted, carefree sociable individual will show a high score in—
(A) Anxiety
(B) Extroversion
(C) Repression
(D) Aggression
Ans. (B)

14. Thinking differs from imagination in all of the following except—
(A) Thinking ‘is goal-directed, problem- based, imagination is not
(B) Thinking is linked with reality, imagination is not
(C) Thinking is systematic and involves reasoning, imagination is not o
(D) Thinking calls for high level mental ability, imagination does not require high intelligence or mental ability
Ans. (D)

15. Mental activity which is controlled by the wishes of the individual is called—
(A) Autistic thinking
(B) Pleasure thinking
(C) Creative thinking
(D) No thinking
Ans. (A)

16. Which of the following statement is correct?
(A) There is no evidence for the existence of reasoning in animals
(B) Thinking stops during paralysis
(C) Recall in reasoning is random
(D) Reasoning can occur without language
Ans. (D)

17. Illusion is a kind of—
(A) Misperception
(B) Trick
(C) Perception
(D) Hallucination
Ans. (C)

18. The scales to measure the psychological distance between any two stimuli was developed by—
(A) Weber
(B) Fechner
(C) Titchner
(D) Binet
Ans. (B)

19. In signal detection theory there are two things in which we can identify a stimulus that is—
(a) Sensitivity measure
(b) Observer’s criterion
(c) Ability to make perceptual discrimination
(d) Intensity of stimulus
Give the answer on the basis of code—
(A) a and d
(B) b and c
(C) a and b
(D) c and d
Ans. (C)

20. The basic traits that make up the human personality according to Cattell are known as—
(A) Cardinal Traits
(C) Source Traits
(B) Central Traits
(D) Surface Traits
Ans. (C)

21. Error variance can be minimized by—
(A) Matching participants
(B) Proper measurement of the dependent variable
(C) Holding independent variable constant
(D) Randomization
Ans. (A)

22. First revision of Binet-Simon test of intelligence was done in—
(A) 1905
(B) 1907
(C) 1911
(D) 1908
Ans. (D)
23. The relationship of mathematical signs, symbols, forms studied with the help of General mental ability are called—
(A) Social intelligence
(B) Abstract intelligence
(C) Concrete intelligence
(D) Verbal intelligence
Ans. (B)

24. Which of the following is not a step in Zimbardo and Ruch’s (1977) “servo-mechanism” which explains the role of peripheral theory of thinking?
(A) Input, i.e., impulses produced by stimuli.
(B) Throughput, i.e., the nervous system which receives input stimuli and processes them.
(C) Output, i.e., Muscular activities that result from processing of impulses in the throughput.
(D) Feedback, i.e., information of muscular activities entering in the organism as input and being systematized.
(E) Neuro-netwok, i.e., a network of neurons in the brain which receives and organises impulses.
Ans. (E)

25. If a student thinks to become an IAS Officer and make some possible changes. This is an example of—
(A) Autistic thinking
(B) Convergent thinking
(C) Divergent thinking
(D) Evaluative thinking
Ans. (A)

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