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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Indian Overseas Bank PO Exam Reasoning Practice Questions

Indian Overseas Bank PO Exam Reasoning Practice Questions

1. In which group the members do not share at   all  a   common   property?
(a) 5372, 3275, 2357, 7325
(b) 4663, 3657, 5634, 6435
(c) 3462, 4713, 8304, 4623
(d) 4783, 5876, 3425, 7254

Ans:-  ( b )

2. Introducing a visitor the lady Principal of a college said, ‘His wife is the only daughter of my father”. How is that visitor related to the lady principal?
(a) As brother  
(b) As father in law
(c) As husband
(d) As maternal uncle

Ans:-  (c  )

3. If x means ÷, -  means x; ÷ means +, and + means -, then the value of the expression (3 — 15 ÷ 11) x 8 + 6  will  be
(a) 8        
(b) 4
(c) 0        
(d)    1

Ans:-  ( d )

4. If A is B’s son, B and C are sisters, D is C’s mother and E is the son of D, then which of the following statements will be correct?
(a) E and A are cousins
(b) E is the maternal uncle of A
(c) C is A’s grandmother
(d) C and E are sisters

Ans:-  ( b )

5. I   am facing south, which of the following sequences of turnings will result in facing me the same direction
(a) Left, right, left, right, left, left, right, right
(b) Left, left, right, right, left, right, left, left
(c) Right, right, right, left, left, left, right, right
(d) Right, left, left, right, left, left, right, left

Ans:-  (a )

6. If 879 = 8, 625 = 3 and 586 = 9, what is 785?
(a) 7              
(b) 0
(c) 9               
(d) 6

Ans:-  (b  )

7. Find out the number that does not have the same property shared by others.
(a) 6385             
(b) 7496
(c) 3658             
(d) 4659

Ans:-  (d  )

Directions (Qs. Nos. 8 to 10) Find out the number that comes next and complete the series.
8.  9, 25, 49, 81,  121………
(a) 144        
(b) 81
(c) 156        

Ans:-  ( d )

9.   4, 2, 5, 1, 6………..
(a) Zero     
(b) 7
(c) 9          
(d) 11

Ans:-  (a  )

10.     1,  2,  5………
(a)  10    
(b)  9
(c)   8     
(d)  15

Ans:-  ( a )

11. If  5 x 4 = 15, 7 x 8 = 49 and 6 x 5 = 24,  what will 8  x  4  be
(a) 24            
(b) 64
(c) 28             
(d) 30
Ans:-  ( a )

Directions (Qs. Nos. 12,13) : There exists some relationship between the terms to the left of the Sign ::, as between the terms to its right. Identify   the missing term.

12. ADE: FGJ : : KNO  :  ?
(a)   PQT          
(b)   PQR
(c)   STQ           
(d) PRS

Ans:-  ( a )

13. ABC :  ZYX  : :  CBA :  ?
(a)    ZXY         
(b)    BCA
(c)    XYZ         
(d)    XZY

Ans:- ( c )

Directions: Two objects or events are related in some way. You have to pick out only that option which has the same type of relationship as stated in Qs. Nos. 14 to 15.

14.   Tree and forest
(a) Ocean and ships
(b) Books and letters
(c) Books and library
(d) Boys and teacher

Ans:-  (c  )

15. Pulp and paper
(a) Yarn and fabric
(b) Iron and wood,
(c) Wood and furniture.
(d) (a) and (c)

Ans:-  ( d )
16. Five books are kept on each other. E is at A, C is below B. If A is above B and D is below C, then which is at the top?
(a)  E      
(b)  D
(c)  B       
(d)  A

Ans:-  (a  )

17. In a row of boys, Subhash is 14th from the left, now he changes his position in such a way that 3 more boys from his right stand to his left and he becomes 10th from his left. How many boys are there in the row?
(a) 18       
(b) 19
(c) 23       
(d) 20

Ans:-  ( d )

18.. In a group of five persons  A, B C, D and E one plays tennis, one plays chess and one hockey. A and D are unmarried women and play no game.
There is a couple among them where B is husband of C . No women play either chess or Hockey. B is the brother of C and he neither plays tennis nor chess. Who plays hockey here
(b) B  

Ans:-  ( b )

Directions : Which of the following numbers given against  four answers choices completes the number series.

19.  512,  256,  128,  ?,  32,  16,  8
(a) 52           
(b) 61
(c) 64           
(d) 56

Ans:- ( c)

20.  2, 7, 17,  32,  52,  77,  ?
(a) 107          
(b) 91
(c) 101          
(d) 92

Ans:- ( a)

21.  3,  5,  9, 15,  23,  33, 45, 59,  ?
(a) 60             
(b) 75
(c) 72             
(d) 81

Ans:- ( b)

22. Facing towards South, Neha walked 50 metres. She then turned to her right and walked 30 metres. She again turned right and walked 50 metres. How far was she from his original point and in which direction she is now?
(a) 30 metes and in the East
(b) 30 metres and in the West
(c) 50 metres and in the West
(d) 30 metres and in the North

Ans:- ( d)

23. Six boys are standing in a row. D is to the left of F. C is between A and B but not near to B. B is to the right of E and a neighbour of D. Who are on the extremes?
(a) C and D   
(b) A  and   F
(c) F and  C  
(d) E  and   B

Ans:- (b )

24. In a month there are five Saturdays. The first day of the mo would be
(a) Sunday
(b) Friday
(c) Wednesday
(d) Monday

Ans:- ( b)

25. If  we  assume    64 x 52  =17,   48 x 56  =  23 and 74  x  35  =  19.
 What   can  84 x 37 be
(a) 22        
( b) 20
(c) 21         
(d) 18

Ans:- (a)

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