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Friday, February 18, 2011

Define equalization. Explain with relevant mathematical equations, the principles of operation of a zero forcing transversal equalizer.

Define equalization. Explain with relevant mathematical equations, the principles of
operation of a zero forcing transversal equalizer.

Phase delay distortion can be reduced to acceptable levels by using equalization on the channel. An equalizer which can be adjusted to compensate for the delay abnormalities. The result is a channel relativily free of phase delay.

Equalizers can be obtained which are automatic in nature. These equalizers precede data transmission with a short “training period” during which test pulses are used to determine the delay characteristics of the channel. The equalizer automatically varies its delay characteristics while sampling the return signal to determine when the channel delay plus equalizer delay reach proper tolerances. At that time data transmission commences. The data is there after sampled during transmission to ensure that equalization settings are appropriate, with modifications made as required. Inverse channel filter completely eliminate, 1SI caused by the cahnnel. Since it forces the 1SI to be zero at the sampling times t =nT, this equalizer is called a zero forcing equalizer.

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