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Monday, July 4, 2011

MCQ Psychology for exams

MCQ Psychology for exams
online mcq on psychology test
MCQ Psychology for exams Practice test

1. Perceptual constancy is contingent upon—
(A) Acuity of the sense organs
(B) Conditions of the stimulus
(C) Monocular cues of depth perception
(D) Binocular cues of distance perception
Ans. (B)

2. The I. Q’s above 130 are found in about—
(A) 1 per cent of the total population.
(B) 4 per cent of the total population.
(C) 2 per cent of the total population.
(D) 3 per cent of the total population.
Ans. (C)

3. The general intelligence factor (g) is the major determinant of performance on the intelligence test items according to—
(A) Thurstone
(B) Spearman
(C) Guttman
(D) Binet
Ans. (B)

4. Which symbol given by Thurston to find the principle in a group of sentences—
(A) V
(B) W
(C) P
(D) R
Ans. (D)

5. WAIS and WISC are tests of—
(A) Intelligence
(B) Personality
(C) Interests
(D) Aptitude
Ans. (A)

6. A good dancer must have high—
(A) Body kinetic intelligence
(B) Musical ability
(C) Fluid intelligence
(D) Personal intelligence
Ans. (A)

7. The first group test of intelligence ever constructed in India was—
(A) Jalota Test of General Mental ability
(B) Mahalanobis group test of intelligence in Bengali.
(C) Mohsin’s Test of general intelligence.
(D) Bhatia Battey test of general intelligence.
Ans. (B)

8. In Guilford model ‘memory or M’ includes in—
(A) Process
(B) Product
(C) Content
(D) None of these
Ans. (A)

9. Which of the following statement is not correct?
(A) Group factor theory of intelligence is associated with Thurstone
(B) Multifactor theory of intelligence was propounded by Thorndike
(C) Three Dimensional structure of intellect (SOI) was developed by Guilford
(D) Two factor theory of intelligence was proposed by Vernon
Ans. (D)

10. The first Indian apdaptation of Standford Binet Test of Intelligence was done by—
(A) Kamat (Marathi and Kannada)
(B) Dr. Rice (Urdu and Punjabi)
(C) Shukla (Gujrati)
(D) Sohan Lal (Hindi)
Ans. (B)

11. Match list I with list II.
List I
(a) Sampling theory
(b) Primary mental abilities
(c) Structure of intellect model
(d) Hierarchical model of abilities
List II
1. Vernon
2. Thomson
3. Thurstone
4. Guilford
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 2 3 4 1
(B) 3 4 2 1
(C) 2 3 1 4
(D) 4 3 2 1
Ans. (A)

12. If you have been staring at a bright object intently and it is removed suddenly, you will continue to see images of the object. This is an example of:
(A) An optical illusion
(B) An after-image
(C) A visual purple effect
(D) Purkinje phenomenon
Ans. (B)

13. The principles of organization holds good for:
(A) Visual sense only
(B) Visual and auditory senses
(C) Visual and tactile senses
(D) Visual, auditory and tactile senses
Ans. (D)

14, Stereoscopic experiences are due to:
(A) Retinal disparity
(B) Monolocular cues
(C) Superposition effects
(D) Relativity in sizes
Ans. (A)

15. Which of the following provides scores on ten standarized clinical scales so as to separate medical or psychiatric patients from
normal controls?
(A) Wechsler Adult Intelligence scale (WAIS)
(B) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
(C) Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
(D) Bender Gestalt Test
Ans. (B)

16. Match list I (psychologists) with list II (psychological tests)—
List I
1. Raven
2. Wechsler
3. Torrance
4. Terman
List II
(a) Global intelligence
(b) Minnesota Test of Creative thinking
(c) Standard progressive Matrics
(d) Concept Mastery Test of intelligence
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 3 1 4 2
(B) 4 2 3 l
(C) 2 3 4 1
(D) 3 1 2 4
Ans. (D)

17. Repetition of S-R-reinforcement sequence contributes to:
(A) Weaker association between S-R
(B) No association between S-R
(C) Stronger association between S-R
(D) Time spent on conditioning
Ans. (C)

10. Which types of syllables eliminate and control meaningfulness as a factor in verbal learning?
(A) Vowels
(B) Meaningful words
(C) Both meaningful and nonsense words
(D) Nonsense words
Ans. (D)

12. Organization in long-term memory is demonstrated by
(A) The tip of the tongue phenomenon
(B) Propositional network theory
(C) Now print theory
(D) PPT Test
Ans. (A)

14. Forgetting is not caused by:
(A) Factors relating to learned material
(B) Factors related to retention interval
(C) Factors related to learning
(D) Factors relating to the learner
Ans. (A)

17. Deductive thinking refers to thinking in which:
(A) The individual goes beyond the present information, adding new elements that are not inherent in the known facts
(B) An inference or conclusion is derived logically from information on hand
(C) The individual judges the suitability or appropriateness of an idea
(D) All of the above
Ans. (B)
2. The variable effected by changes in the antecedent conditions is called—
(A) The dependent variable
(B) The controlling variable
(C) The independent variable
(D) The moderator variable
Ans. (A)

23. Which of the following cannot be a quality of good hypothesis?
(A) Modifiability
(B) Clarity
(C) Plauribility
(D) Verifiability
Ans. (A)

24. A son who has a harsh father may feel generally hostile to all his superiors. This is an example of:
(A) Generalized anxiety
(B) Generalized anger
(C) Generalized fear
(D) Direct aggression
Ans. (B)

25. The sympathetic system:
(A) Acts as a unit
(B) Acts in a piecemeal manner, affecting one organ at a time
(C) Is dominant in quiescence
(D) Both (A) and (C) are correct
Ans. (A)

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