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Monday, May 4, 2015

History Solved Question Paper

History Solved Question Paper
1. With respect to food discipline of the Buddhist Sramanas, The Buddhist monks were permitted to—
1. Beg’
2. Accept invitation for meals
3. Accept offerings sent to the monastery
4. Express their wish for any particular kind of food
Which of the above statements are correct?
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 3 and 4
(C) 1, 2 and 4
(D) 1, 2 and 3
Ans. (D)
2. Amri culture flourished in—
(A) The Kutch region
(B) Afghanistan
(C) Baluchistan
(D) Sind
Ans. (D)
3. Which one of the following was the most westerly out post of the Harrappan culture?
(A) Lothal
(B) Sutkagendor
(C) Rangpur
(D) Manda
Ans. (B)
4. Which one of the following is correctly matched?
(A) Surkotda: Ploughed field
(B) Harrappa: Horse remains
(C) Rangpur: Rice Husk
(D) Chanhudaro: Citadel
Ans. (C)
5. Which one of the following is the most important feature of Harrappan cities?
(A) Large size
(B) Huge buildings
(C) Planned layout
(D) Wide Roads
Ans. (C)
6. A terracotta replica of a plough has been found at—
(A) Banwali
(B) Kalibanga
(C) Rakhigarhi
(D) Rangpur
Ans. (A)
7. Which one of the following characteristics of Buddhism distinguishes it from Jaimsm?
(A) Non-acceptance of the authority of the Vedas
(B) Belief in the efficacy of action
(C) Rejection of both extreme pleasures and self-mortification
(D) Attitude of non-injury towards all beings
Ans. (C)
8. At which one of the following places was the Jaina canonical literature codified in the 5th century AD?
(A) Vallabhi
(B) Vaishali
(C) Rajgriha
(D) Patliputra
Ans. (A)
9. Which one of the following statements is not continued by the evidence of archaeology?
(A) People. of Bahrain islands acted as middlemen in the trade between Indus & Sumerian people in the third millennium BC
(B) Lothal played an important role in the sea-borne trade between the Indus culture & Western Asia
(C) The Harrappans were supplanted by the Aryans
(D) The Harappans knew the lost-wax technique of manufacturing metal images
Ans. (C)
10. Which of the following language was adopted by Jainas to preach their doctrines to the common people?
(A) Sanskrit
(B) Pali
(C) Prakrit
(D) Apbransha
Ans. (C)
11. Which one of the following was not included in the Noble Eightfold path of Buddhism?
(A) Right exercise
(B) Right memory
(C) Right meditation
(D) Right education
Ans. (D)
12. At which one of the following sets of Harrappan sites, have structures with fire altars been discovered?
(A) Chanhudaro & Amri
(B) Banwali & Kalibanga
(C) Harrappa & Mohenjodaro
(D) Almgirpur & Daimabad
Ans. (B)
13. Which one of the following is more probable regarding the Harrappan script?
(A) It is distinctly Proto-Dravidian
(B) It is distinctly Sanskritic
(C) It is not alphabetical but mainly pictographic
(D) The language used by these scripts has definite Sumerian connections
Ans. (C)
14. Which one of the following Harrappan sites is not located in Gujarat?
(A) Surkotda
(B) Rangpur
(C) Sutkagendor
(D) Desalpur
Ans. (C)
15. Along with the ‘Late Harrappan artifacts, Painted grey were has been found at—
(A) Ropar
(B) Bhagvanpura
(C) Banwali
(D) Daulatpur
Ans. (B)
16. Who among the following has worked on the decipherment of the Indus script?
(A) H. D. Sankalia
(B) B.B.La1
(C) I. Mahadevan
(D) Vincent Arthur smith
Ans. (C)
17. The author of the ‘Malvikagnimitrain’ was—
(A) Kalidas
(B) Tulsidas
(C) Kabir
(D) Aryabhatta
Ans. (A)
18. Match List I with List II & select the correct answer—
List I List II
(a) Mohenjodaro
(b) Lothal
(c) Banwali
(d) Kalibanga
1. Twin burials
2. Corbelled drain
3. Furrow
4. Terracotta replica of a plough
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 1 2 3 4
(B) 2 1 4 3
(C) 1 2 4 3
(D) 2 1 3 4
Ans. (D)
19. Which of the following are not included in the Vedic Literature?
(A) Samhitas
(B) Aranyakas
(C) Smritis
(D) Upnishada
Ans. (C)
20. Which one of following sites contains the evidence of cemtery ‘H’ culture?
(A) Chanhudaro
(B) Harrappa
(C) Mohenjodaro
(D) Kalibanga
Ans. (B)
21. Indika was written by—
(A) Pliny
(B) Megasthenese
(C) Strabo
(D) Justin
Ans. (B)
22. The granary discovered at Harrappa was located—
(A) Within the citadel
(B) In the lower Town
(C) Near River Ravi
(D) Beside the western gate of the city
Ans. (B)
23. Who was the author of the Mahabhasya?
(A) Patanjali
(B) Bhasa
(C) Vakptai
(D) Katyayani
Ans. (A)
24. The scene reminiscent of the well-known folk tale ‘The clever fox’ from the Panchatantra is depicted on a pot from an Indus site. The pot was discovered from—
(A) Harrappa
(B) Lothal
(C) Chanhudaro
(D) Kalibanga
Ans. (A)
25. The Arthasastra was a treatise on—
(A) Economics
(B) Political Philosophy
(C) State craft and Administration
Ans. (C)

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