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Monday, July 25, 2011

Psychology objective questions and answers

Psychology objective questions and answers
psychology objective questions and answers Solved Model test
Multiple Choice Test, Multiple Choice Psychology
1. At its most basic level verbal learning may be considered as:
(A) The process of concept formation
(B) The process of forming verbal associations
(C) The process of rule learning
(D) The process of skill learning
Ans. (B)

2. Although I. Q’s are relatively stable for most people, I. Q. may show large shifts because of—
(A) Environmental conditions
(B) Emotional factors
(C) Motivational factors
(D) All of the above
Ans. (D)

3. The group factor theory of intelligence was proposed by—
(A) Kelley
(B) Brown
(C) Thorndike
(D) Spearman
Ans. (A)

4. We forget and then forget what we forgot is:
(A) Repression
(B) Excessive repression
(C) Motivated forgetting
(D) None of the above
Ans. (B)

5. Which kind of test WAIS-R and WISC-R are?
(A) Non-verbal
(B) Verbal performance
(C) Verbal
(D) Performance
Ans. (B)

6. Learning involving a change in the way information is processed as a result of experience that an organism has had, and which has not been rewarded explicitly is
(A) Foresight learning
(B) Instrumental learning
(C) Cognitive learning
(D) Motivated learning
Ans. (C)

7. With age, the following shows little decline—
(A) Speed of intellectual functioning
(B) Short term memory
(C) General knowledge
(D) Efficiency of intellectual functioning
Ans. (C)

8. The phenomenon of a tune ‘running in the head’ is called:
(A) Involuntary recall
(B) Reinforcement
(C) Reinstatement
(D) Perseveration
Ans. (D)

9. Which theory of forgetting stresses that what is stored is determined by what is perceived and how it is encoded; and what is stored determines what retrieval cues are effective in providing access to what is stored?
(A)Interference theory of forgetting
(B) Motivation theory of forgetting
(C) Two factor theory of forgetting
(D) Tulving and Thomson theory of forgetting
Ans. (D)

10. Who said, “Intelligence is like electricity which is easy to be measured but difficult to be defined”?
(A) Spearman
(B) Vernon
(C) Jenson
(D) Burt
Ans. (C)

11. Creativity correlates mostly with:
(A) Inductive and deductive thinking
(B) Deductive thinking
(C) Inductive and evaluative thinking
(D) Inductive, deductive and evaluative thinking
Ans. (C)

12. A general relation-perceiving capacity which represents one’s potential intelligence somewhat independent of socialization an education is termed by Catell as—
(A) Crystallized intelligence
(B) Fluctuating intelligence
(C) Fluid intelligence
(D) The general intelligence factor
Ans. (C)

13. Thinking is carried on by:
(A) Imperceptible muscular movements
(B) Mental images representing a variety of symbols
(C) Both of these processes
(D) Neither of these processes
Ans. (C)

14. Stress is experienced when:
(A) Internal homeostatic balance is disrupted
(B) There is injury or threat of injury
(C) There is frustration
(D) All of the above
Ans. (D)

15. The contractions of muscles in the stomach do not:
(A) Activate cells in lateral hypothalamus
(B) Influence hypothalamic control of immediate appetite
(C) Results in hunger pangs
(D) Activate thermo receptors in the brain
Ans. (D)

16. An artist must have high—
(A) Abstract intelligence
(B) Social intelligence
(C) Concrete intelligence
(D) Crystallized intelligence
Ans. (A)

17. The social learning theory stresses on the importance of:
(A) Models
(B) Self-regulatory processes
(C) Cognitive processes
(D) All of the above
Ans. (D)

18. Which of the following statement is wrong?
(A) Those with low intelligence reach their upper limit of mental growth quite late and those with high intelligence reach their at a relatively early age.
(B) Mental growth is continuous even beyond the time of physical maturity.
(C) The I. Q’s of very bright children invariably develops with age.
(D) I. Q. usually changes very little with age, if at all.
Ans. (A)

19. “Stop smoking or get lung cancer” is an example of:
(A) Approach-avoidance conflict
(B) Approach-approach conflict
(C) Avoidance-avoidance conflict
(D) Double approach-avoidance conflict
Ans. (C)

20. Look at on these primary mental abilities—
(a) Verbal comprehension
(b) Reasoning
(c) Word fluency
(d) Perceptual speed
The correct sequence is—
(A) c, b, a, d
(B) d, c, a, b
(C) b, a, d, c
(D) d, b, a, c
Ans. (D)

21. In behavioristic school, thinking is explained as
(A) Sub-vocal speech
(B) A conditioned reflex
(C) An unconscious activity
(D) Symbolism
Ans. (A)

22. Thurstone’s Primary Mental abilities Tests (PMA) are based on the following theory of intelligence?
(A) Group factor theory
(B) G-factor theory
(C) Structure of intellect model
(D) The concept of crystallized intelligence
Ans. (A)

23. The first tests designed to measure intelligence were developed by:
(A) Alfred Binet
(B) Theodore Simon
(C) Francis Galton
(D) Louis Thurstone
Ans. (C)

24. The power to perform an act, physical or mental, either before or after training is called
(A) Trait
(B) Aptitude
(C) Attitude
(D) Ability
Ans. (D)

25. Which of the following is most correct?
(A) Creative ability and intelligence are entirely different from one another.
(B) Creativity and intelligence are one and the same thing.
(C) Creativity and intelligence are neither entirely independent nor-closely related together
(D) Creativity and intelligence are highly correlated with each other.
Ans. (C)

26. Which of the following statement is correct with regards to imprinting?
(A) Ducklings will follow the first moving object they see and thereafter show preference for this object and others like it
(B) Ducklings will follow the mother when they see it since they instinctively know they are safe in doing so
(C) Ducklings do not follow the first moving object when they see it since they tend to be very cautious
(D) Ducklings can be imprinted only to the members of their own species
Ans. (A)

27. Which of the following statements is WRONG? According to Cattell
(A) Fluid intelligence inc1uds the flexibility to organize and reorganize concepts
(B) Fluid intelligence peeks early and begins to decline shortly after age 20
(C) Fluid intelligence includes scholastic ability and is determined by the culture
(D) Crystallized intelligence may continue to increase for many years after the end of formal schooling
Ans. (C)

28. Thurstone’s primary abilities—
(A) Are completely independent
(B) Have significant interrelation
(C) Do not give support to special ideals of a general intelligence factor
(D) Are insignificantly inter-correlated
Ans. (B)

29. A person is sometimes extremely boastful and sometimes self-effacing; sometimes sociable and sometimes seclusive. He belongs to the personality type:
(A) Ambivert
(B) Introvert
(C) Extrovert
(D) Mesomorph
Ans. (A)

30. Which of the following is not an aptitude test?
Ans. (C)

31. The central theme of Roger’s personality theory is
(A) Self
(B) Ego
(C) Experience
(D) External reality
Ans. (A)

32. When the content of the responses is ignored, but the pattern of a person’s responses are matched with the patterns of answers given by groups of people with known characteristics, we get a test that has
(A) Content validity
(B) Empirical validity
(C) Face validity
(D) Construct validity
Ans. (B)

33. Consider these factors—
(a) Medical problems
(b) Cultural deprivation
(c) Family inheritance
Which one is related with mental deficiency?
(A) a and c
(B) a, b and c
(C) b and c
(D) only c
Ans. (A)

34. In an experiment, if the independent variable is a new way of teaching children to read, it would he most appropriate to use
(A) The control group method
(B) The A-B-A within subject experimental design
(C) No control group
(D) Both (A) and (B) are equally appropriate
Ans. (A)

35. A psychologist is experimenting on how the reaction time is affected by the lack of sleep. The reaction time in this experiment is the:
(A) Control variable
(B) Intervening variable
(C) Dependent variable
(D) Independent variable
Ans. (C)

36. Which of the following statements is correct about the negative and positive correlations f the same size?
(A) The positive correlation indicates a higher degree of relationship than he negative correlation of the same size
(B) The negative and positive correlations of the same size represent the same degree of relationship
(C) The negative correlation indicates no relationship whereas the positive correlation indicates a relationship
(D) Both (B) and (C) are correct
Ans. (B)

37. Consider statement and their reason and reply on codes—
Statement: An Intelligence Quotient of 40 year person is similar to a man of 20 years.
Reason: In beginning intelligence of 40 year person was slow.
(A) Statement is right but reason not
(B) Reason is right but statement not
(C) Statement and reason both are right
(D) Statement and reason both are wrong
Ans. (A)

38. The Thematic Apperception Test is based on:
(A) Maslow’s theory of needs
(B) Roger’s self-concept
(C) Freud’s psychoanalysis
(D) Murray’s theory of needs
Ans. (D)

39. Heritability ratio (H) means—
(A) Ratio between I.Q.s and P. Q. obtained on tests of intelligence.
(B) Ratio between I.Q.s of identical twins and fraternal twins.
(C) Ratio between I.Q.s of siblings.
(D) Ratio between genetic variability of intelligence scores and total variability of intelligence scores
Ans. (D)

40. By giving tests in two different but equivalent forms, one can ascertain the:
(A) Reliability
(B) Validity
(C) Predictive validity
(D) Utility
Ans. (A)

41. Which of the following scales is not a scale of good enough Harris Drawing Test?
(A) Child-scale
(B) Female-scale
(C) Male scale
(D) Self-scale
Ans. (A)

42. Match list I (Theories of intelligence) with list II (Psychologists) reply on codes—
List I
(a) Spearman
(b) Gardner
(c) Thorndike
(d) Thustrone

List II
1. Group factor theory
2. Two factor theory
3. Theory of multiple intelligence
4. Multifactor theory
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) 3 4 1 2
(B) 3 1 4 2
(C) 4 1 2 3
(D) 4 1 3 4
Ans. (D)

43. According to Binet, intelligence means the characteristics of an individual’s thought processes that enable him
(A) To take and maintain a direction without being distracted
(B) To adapt means to end
(C) To criticize his own attempts at problem solving
(D) All of the above
Ans. (D)

44. Psychologists prefer experimental method because:
(A) Quantitative resu1t can be obtained
(B) Precision instruments can be used for accurate observations
(C) It permits the exercise of rigorous controls
(D) Permanent records of behavior can he maintained
Ans. (C)

45. Guilford’s structure of intellect model suggests—
(A) Lumping together of items to form tests
(B) 120 unique intelligence factors
(C) 7 primary abilities
(D) The general intelligence factors
Ans. (B)

46. According to Catell, the crystallized intelligence—
(A) Reflects one’s cultural exposure
(B) Reflects one’s formal education
(C) Is innate
(D) Both (A) and (B) are true
Ans. (D)

47. Highly creative persons tend frequently to be—
(A) Low on scores in intelligence tests
(B) Moderately intelligent
(C) Of average intelligence
(D) Highly intelligent
Ans. (D)

48. Who was the first to organize relatively large- scale systematic experiments to detect inter individual differences in the sphere of intelligence?
(A) Francis Galton
(B) Louis Thurstone
(C) Binet
(D) Simon
Ans. (A)

49. Assume that a subject is given a long list of correlated words to study and is asked to recall the word at a later time. Then, according to Guilford’s structure of intellect model, the content of this test is—
(A) Semantic
(B) Figural
(C) Symbolic
(D) Behavioral
Ans. (A)

50. Reaction time related with intelligence. This thought connects with—
(A) Jensen
(B) Eysenck
(C) Stenberg
(D) Cattell
Ans. (C)

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